Search results for ' Iran, Islamic Republic Of'

India's recovery to accelerate South Asia's GDP growth

India's recovery to accelerate South Asia's GDP growth

Rediff.com4 Feb 2013

The region's GDP will grow by 5 per cent in 2013 and 5.7 per cent in 2014.

Amritsar Declaration calls for dismantling of terror sanctuaries

Amritsar Declaration calls for dismantling of terror sanctuaries

Rediff.com4 Dec 2016

The declaration also names Pak-based terror groups like LeT and JeM.

World leaders react with caution to Trump's triumph

World leaders react with caution to Trump's triumph

Rediff.com10 Nov 2016

World leaders are reacting with caution to Donald Trump's jaw-dropping victory in the US presidential election, with some of them reminding him of the democratic values and the global responsibility he carries.

Joint statement is against India's interests

Joint statement is against India's interests

Rediff.com24 Jul 2009

Had the PM wanted a dialogue with Pakistan only on terrorism this could have been held at the official level without the drama of a long PM-level meeting and an elaborate joint statement. Obviously, US pressure is at work here and the conclusion of the joint statement on the eve of Hillary Clinton's visit gives the game away, says Satish Chandra

'Islamism, a Phoenix waiting to arise from the ashes'

'Islamism, a Phoenix waiting to arise from the ashes'

Rediff.com8 Feb 2016

'Small bands of terrorists believe they can destabilise superpowers if they are ready to become martyrs.' 'Since the road to paradise is under the shade of swords, it is a win-win situation for those ready to die for the cause of Allah.'

What lies behind Saudi-Pak nuclear weapons cooperation

What lies behind Saudi-Pak nuclear weapons cooperation

Rediff.com18 Nov 2013

The Saudi-Pakistan nuclear weapons cooperation is meant to sound alarm bells in Washington, reminding the Obama administration that its overtures to Iran would have serious negative consequences in terms of its ties with its closest allies in the region, says Ambassador Talmiz Ahmad. Exclusive to

Why US won't declare Pak a 'terrorist State'

Why US won't declare Pak a 'terrorist State'

Rediff.com14 Aug 2017

The question really is whether the US can be persuaded to embark on a path of calibrated and stronger sanctions on Pakistan.

Chinese delegation to visit India amid Dalai spat

Chinese delegation to visit India amid Dalai spat

Rediff.com9 Nov 2009

A delegation of the Communist Party of China left Beijing for a visit to India, the official Xinhua news agency said in a brief report. The delegation is headed by Liu Qibao, member of the CPC's powerful Central Committee.

India scoring own goals against Pakistan

India scoring own goals against Pakistan

Rediff.com28 Jul 2009

What we need to understand is that when Pakistan feels cornered its leaders will seek assistance and sympathy and export mangoes; their purpose served, they will revert to form and export jihadis. The way to handle Pakistan is not through kind gestures and misplaced magnanimity; these are taken as signs of weakness and generally used to bargain for more.

India's entry into the SCO may bring it closer to China

India's entry into the SCO may bring it closer to China

Rediff.com6 Jul 2015

It seems China is ready to cooperate with India in the central Asian region through the SCO framework, the reasons for which are manifold, says Sana Hashmi.

Thank you for your valuable support: Karzai

Thank you for your valuable support: Karzai

Rediff.com19 Nov 2006

Ladies and gentlemen, today's conference must serve, above all, as an impetus to define a vision that reflects the shared interests of all of us, and agree on working together towards achieving it.

US, UK, France launch strikes in Syria, destroy chemical weapon factories

US, UK, France launch strikes in Syria, destroy chemical weapon factories

Rediff.com14 Apr 2018

The White House said it has 'a large body' of evidence indicating that the Assad regime was responsible for the April 7 chemical attack in Duma.

China's strategic push in the Middle East

China's strategic push in the Middle East

Rediff.com19 Jan 2016

Why is Xi Jinping visiting Saudi Arabia, Egypt and China this week? Former RA&W officer Jayadeva Ranade explains the significance of China's outreach to the Middle East.

US is Russia's enemy number one: poll

US is Russia's enemy number one: poll

Rediff.com12 Oct 2004

India was named as Russia's friend only by three per cent respondents polled by poll by the nation's Public Opinion Foundation.

Iran: Tough nut for US to crack

Iran: Tough nut for US to crack

Rediff.com26 Aug 2005

'It is only because we were facing US threats that we were able to successfully develop a nuclear programme of our own.'

Pakistan: Some likely scenarios

Pakistan: Some likely scenarios

Rediff.com14 Jun 2007

'A major internal upheaval cannot be ruled out.'

Modi-Trump Summit: Truly historic step is unlikely

Modi-Trump Summit: Truly historic step is unlikely

Rediff.com22 Jun 2017

At no other time has a single meeting of the leaders of two democracies been so critical and hazardous.

India must be cautious while seeking SCO full membership

India must be cautious while seeking SCO full membership

Rediff.com12 Jun 2012

A full membership of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation could be counterproductive for India as there is little compatibility between our internal security concerns and interests and those of China and Pakistan. B Raman analyses

How the British stole the Kohinoor from a child

How the British stole the Kohinoor from a child

Rediff.com23 Jan 2017

'I can tell you the case that hurts me the most is the one in which the little boy is forced to sign the Kohinoor over.' 'You take a mother away from a child, you surround him with grown ups speaking a different language, you tell him he must sign this over or else...'

Hope is not a strategy to bring down the ISIS

Hope is not a strategy to bring down the ISIS

Rediff.com17 Nov 2014

The US and its allies must evolve a more comprehensive long-term plan to defeat the new danger that the caliphate poses to the world order. And India too must do its bit for course correction, says strategic expert Gurmeet Kanwal.

The reason why India agreed to discuss Baluchistan

The reason why India agreed to discuss Baluchistan

Rediff.com28 Jul 2009

On the evening of July 14 in Sharm El Sheikh, two days before the meeting between Dr Singh and Gilani, Pakistani Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir told Shiv Shankar Menon that India must delink the talks from terrorism, otherwise Pakistan will be forced to produce at least "three Indian Ajmal Kasabs" before the international media, who were directly or indirectly part of the terrorist activities in Baluchistan, reports Hamid Mir

Pakistan launches psywar over Baluchistan

Pakistan launches psywar over Baluchistan

Rediff.com28 Jul 2009

So long as the Pakistan Army does not succeed in Baluchistan, the much-hyped Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline will remain a pipedream, says B Raman

Digvijay Singh on Khatami's visit

Digvijay Singh on Khatami's visit

Rediff.com3 Feb 2003

Can terrorists get hold of Pakistan's nukes?

Can terrorists get hold of Pakistan's nukes?

Rediff.com1 May 2009

At present, India's focus has been on making the US co-operate against the activities of the anti-India terrorist groups and their infrastructure in Pakistani territory. This should continue, but this should not be the only subject of co-operation between the two countries. It is necessary to expand it to cover likely threats to Pakistan's nuclear establishments.

PHOTOS, World Cup qualifiers: Brazil crush Peru; Romania hold Italy

PHOTOS, World Cup qualifiers: Brazil crush Peru; Romania hold Italy

Rediff.com18 Nov 2015

An inspired performance from Douglas Costa helped Brazil to a 3-0 win over Peru on Tuesday and lifted them into third place in the South American qualifying group for the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

King Fahd tried to straddle modern and orthodox

King Fahd tried to straddle modern and orthodox

Rediff.com1 Aug 2005

In his last years, the sickly Fahd was mostly a figurehead as the close relationship he nurtured with the United States deteriorated after the September 11 terror attacks

Just why did Cheney meet Musharraf?

Just why did Cheney meet Musharraf?

Rediff.com2 Mar 2007

'To belittle the general, to chastise him like an errant school boy -- that was the last thing on Cheney's mind.'

Pakistan and its seven states of delusion

Pakistan and its seven states of delusion

Rediff.com27 Feb 2015

'Pakistan is full of 'religious entrepreneurs' like Hafeez Saeed who poison the minds of the young so that they can be motivated to become terrorists. They work in concert with the rulers of Pakistan. It is a private-public partnership.'

America's great game

America's great game

Rediff.com21 Jun 2003

Obama moved forward on UNSC, Pakistan

Obama moved forward on UNSC, Pakistan

Rediff.com9 Nov 2010

'President Obama bahut dhanyavad, we should say! He gave an outstanding speech to Parliament on Monday. His address to lawmakers and the people of India was balanced and profound.'

Let not Afghanistan slip back: SM Krishna

Let not Afghanistan slip back: SM Krishna

Rediff.com6 Dec 2011

The text of the speech made by External Affairs Minister SM Krishna at the international Afghanistan conference in Bonn

Why Musharraf had Bugti killed

Why Musharraf had Bugti killed

Rediff.com30 Aug 2006

Why Uzbekistan matters to India

Why Uzbekistan matters to India

Rediff.com13 Apr 2006

'The Arab Spring is in great distress'

'The Arab Spring is in great distress'

Rediff.com15 Feb 2012

Former diplomat MK Bhadrakumar delivered a keynote address -- The Arab spring: The region and India -- at an international seminar held in Jamia Millia Islamia in New Delhi. Here's the complete text

Obama's address to Parliament: The transcript

Obama's address to Parliament: The transcript

Rediff.com8 Nov 2010

The transcript of the speech President Barack Obama delivered in Parliament on Monday evening

India can hurt Pakistan without waging war

India can hurt Pakistan without waging war

Rediff.com26 Dec 2008

Till date India has mostly played defence in the face of repeated escalation. Being defensive has meant that all the destructive actions as well as countermeasures employed have been on Indian soil and have worked against Indian citizens, says Shaunak Agarkhedkar